Marriage Green Card Denial Rate Doubles Under Trump Administration

Marriage Green Card Denial Rate Doubles Under Trump Administration

March 9, 2023 0 By Maria

The Trump administration has more than doubled the rate of denials for marriage-based green cards, according to a new analysis of data from the U. S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS).

The Trump administration’s policy on marriage green cards

Under the Trump administration, the denial rate for marriage green card has more than doubled. This policy change has caused a great deal of hardship for couples who are trying to immigrate to the United States. The new policy requires couples to provide more documentation to prove that their relationship is genuine. This can be difficult to do, especially if the couple has not been together for very long. In addition, the Trump administration has been known to arbitrarily deny green cards to couples without any clear reason. This policy has caused a lot of anxiety and stress for those affected by it.

The increasing denial rate of marriage green cards under Trump

The number of marriage green cards being denied has doubled under the Trump administration, according to a new report. The report, released by the Pew Research Center, found that the denial rate for marriage green cards rose from 5% in fiscal year 2016 to 10% in fiscal year 2018. This increase is part of a larger trend of the Trump administration making it harder for immigrants to obtain green cards. In addition to the increased denial rate, the Trump administration has also implemented a number of other policies that make it more difficult for immigrants to obtain green cards, including a travel ban and stricter requirements for proving financial stability.

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The reasons for the increase in denial rate

Since taking office, the Trump administration has doubled the denial rate for marriage-based green cards. There are a number of reasons for this increase. First, the administration has placed a greater emphasis on rooting out fraudulent applications. Second, it has made it more difficult to obtain a green card by making the application process more expensive and time-consuming. Finally, the administration has implemented a policy of “extreme vetting,” which has made it harder for applicants to prove that they are eligible for a green card. As a result of these factors, the denial rate for marriage-based green cards has increased significantly under the Trump administration.

The impact of the Trump administration’s policy on families

Under the Trump administration, the rate of denials for marriage-based green cards has more than doubled. This policy has had a profound impact on families across the United States. While some couples have been forced to live apart, others have been forced to choose between their careers and their families. The Trump administration’s policy has also made it more difficult for families to visit loved ones overseas. For many families, the Trump administration’s policy has created a great deal of uncertainty and anxiety.

The possible solutions to the problem

The Trump administration has been accused of unfairly targeting immigrants, and new data shows that the denial rate for marriage green cards has more than doubled since he took office. While there are many possible explanations for this, including increased scrutiny of applications, some believe that the administration is deliberately making it harder for immigrants to obtain green cards. This is a problem because the green card is essential for many immigrants who want to live and work in the United States

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If you are considering applying for a marriage-based green card, be aware that the Trump administration has increased the rate of denials. Make sure you have a strong case before moving forward with your application.